These are the details for the drivers meeting for 11/23/2024
6:30am Sign in opens
7:30am Short Driver’s meeting to handle questions. Read below for our online driver’s meeting
8:00am Open 1 hour practice
9:00am Brackets are due. Please deliver them as soon as possible.
9:10am Cars called to grid by Bracket.
If a team has not turned in their bracket, they will start behind the teams that have.
9:20am pace car Rolls onto the track
9:30am Start of the Turkey Derby
4:30pm Checkered flag
4:40pm Awards
Thompson’s race facility is available to us on raceday only. Please contact the track for permissions for any early drop off.
Drones are prohibited at TSMP.
There are no registrations or tickets on sale at Thompson. Your car should be registered for either both races, or separately for the 23rd.
Drivers or Fans have your drivers pass and register driver pass pulled up to speed up registration. The best way to do this is screen shot them.
- We are trying to finish up without the need for lights. Sunset is at 4:20. Expect our day to start on time.
- Car Registration should be done by Pit Pay. You either have a 2 day Registration or a single day for the Turkey Derby only
- Drivers need a driver pass and driver registration from the PitPay site for the day they are racing.
We were able to drop driver registration prices for the Turkey Derby. If you paid $150 paying early for the 23rd of November, please see Marshall at the track so he can refund the extra.
Different drivers are racing many of the same cars. Driver passes and registrations are for the specific day raced. To get a driver’s band to drive, you need both of these below for the 23rd of November. Cars were able to enter both days for one fee. Drivers were not.

- Drivers:
- Must have wrist band
- Hans
- Tight Seat belts
- Max driving time is two hours with 15 minute allowance.
At 2 hours and 16 minutes you will get a penalty. - Teams leaving the garage area must stop and have belts/HANS Checked.
- Know your flag-especially if you are new to road racing:
- Flags are station to station – not line of sight
- Green -Race
- White –
- Slow vehicle ahead on track.
- All other flags still apply
- You may pass when safe and reasonable
- Yellow-
- No passing
- Must be single file and not racing by the time the flagging station is reached.
- The Safety zone ends when incident is cleared.
- Red – Stop
- The stop should be controlled.
- Try to pull to the edge of the pavement
- Black-
- Pointed at you means to come to the officials impound area.
- If at Multiple stations or all stations means to exit the track, and head to the paddock
- Red & Yellow Stripe:
- Track most likely has something on the surface
- Blue with Yellow: Significantly faster traffic is approaching
- Safety is #1. Insurance is tough to get. A claim really hurts us all. Use extra caution please.
- Car Inspection
- Our officials will visit you at your car
- Our officials will visit you at your car
- Fueling:
- No fueling in garages
- All fueling is to be on pit row or at the fuel pumps
- Stop and get a timer if fueling
- Safely pull up
- Then go to your pit
- The driver must get out of car
- Car must be off
- No other work is allowed until fueling is complete
- Place catch pan under the fuel area
- Aim the extinguisher at the fuel area before starting to fuel
- Max 3 of your team over the wall at any time.
- Any pit row violation requires a trip to the penalty area
- Teams may drive to the timer collection area and pull to the left to wait for the timer to expire. Teams leaving the pit with the timer without stopping must get a new one and spend an additional 5 minutes in the pit.
- 2 crew members are required to do the stop in full gear with visor on helmet closed.
- To go onto the hot pit surface, you must have a drivers band even if you are not driving.
- Pit Row Entry and Exit
- Be slowed down well before entering.
- Max speed 15 mph
- Enforced by radar
- Pacecar will take the field through to set your tachs pre race
- Exiting stay low or to the left until you are in turn 1
- Pace car
- Follow the pace car when lights are on
- When lights go out, it is heading to pit row. You do not follow it
- Maintain the pace car speed until the flagman throws the green
- The pacecar picks up the leader on a full course caution. If you are the leader, when you get to the front straight, be looking to follow the pacecar. he will not chase. Slow down!
If the driver cannot easily catch you, we will send you around and penalize 1 lap. - Having race monitor on is suggested so that your team knows you are leading.
- On a full course caution, pits are closed until the pacecar passes with the field gathered
- Ontrack issues
- If you have a concern, get to pit row
- If you smell gas, you need to get that car in and shut off. Fire is a scary threat
- There are a number of outlets / safe exit locations. Don’t try to make the whole track crawling around. Use the outlets
- Turn 1 escape Road
- Turn 3 &4 Joker /Access Road
- Turn 6 Wall Cutout
- Turn 7 Nascar Pit row
- Turn 9 -past cones

- Noise
- At no times may vehicle noises be in violation of TSMP’s 103 dB limit. (At 50 ft from moving vehicle).
- At no times may vehicle noises be in violation of TSMP’s 103 dB limit. (At 50 ft from moving vehicle).
- Leave your area clean. It is clean when you arrive. Leave it like you found it.